This movie is loosely adapted on Daniele’s story, and even though some of the names have changed, the menus and recipes have remained the same,
Hortense (aka Daniele) appointment at the Elysee Palace is because the President is an old fashioned ‘foodie’ and he wants her to make him the ‘real food of France’. Whilst she has his total support she has to fight all the antagonism of the main kitchens a bastion of male preserve and where the rule of thumb has always been that Presidential food should be both rich and ornate. Hortense’s speciality on the other hand is ‘simple’ dishes …. although I’m not sure how plates of salmon stuffed in a cabbage and served with cream qualify as that.

The story was framed at each end by the next unlikely post that Hortense took on when her stint in Rue St Honore was finished : as a chef, and the only female, on a Antarctic Base. She must have been one hell of a woman.
One for foodies …. BUT be more sensible than me and do eat first.
Available on Amazon/Itunes VOD