Monday, November 5th, 2012


Lizbeth Salander our tough girl heroine fights for her very life with a bullet lodged in her brain, and if she does survive the Police are about to charge her with the attempted murder of her father after she took an axe to his head. And that’s just in the first few minutes of this, the final part of Steig Larson’s Millennium Trilogy, and it would be a gross understatement to just say that then the plot thickens.  It does far more than that, and like the previous superb two movies it twists and turns so violently (literally) and has you totally transfixed on the edge of your seat, part in disbelief and part in sheer horror.  You don’t have to have seen the first two movies to know what’s what as there are more than adequate flashbacks that give you an insight to the characters and the plot (s) so far, and aside from that each one is a complete entity in it’s own right

Like the earlier two, this movie trades on the spectacle of female suffering, but what makes this most remarkable is the fact that it is met and dealt with by Ms Salander, without even a hint of emotion, let alone regret.

R.T.V. I stepped out of my comfort zone to view these violent and bloody thrillers, and I am so pleased I did because they are superbly crafted movies, which focus on character-led plots, which really push the boundaries and make for intensely rich story telling.  Played by real grown up actors and not adolescents, they are all a joy to watch.


Posted by queerguru  at  23:52



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