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Martin Scorcese’s profile on Fran Lebowitz is no ordinary documentary. After 90 minutes of essentially listening to this quick-witted brilliant observationist with her razor sharp tongue spend forth on some of her favorite bugbears, we actually learn very little about the woman behind all these rapidly fired opinions.  By filming her in conversation in her … Continue reading

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

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One can only imagine the fact that filmmaker Werner Herzog is the auteur that he is, played a crucial part in the French Culture Ministry allowing only him this unprecedented exclusive access  to make this extraordinary film. ‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’  is his documentary on some stunning caves in Southern France only discovered as recently … Continue reading

SQUARE GROUPER : The tale of large scale Cannabis smuggling in Florida

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If I had caught sight of the ‘Cocaine Cowboys’ movie before I moved to Miami, I don’t think that I would have ever dared settle here.  Billy Corbin’s 2006 Documentary told the true story of the local drug wars in the 1980’s when ruthless Columbian cocaine barons invaded Miami and bought a level of violence … Continue reading


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Vik Muniz is a Brazilian born visual artist based in New York and renowned for his art which is constructed using a variety of ready recognizable non-art materials including trash.  Conscious of his own success that life had accorded him he set about wanting to help bring about change for group of needy people using … Continue reading

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