

Posted on Categories 5 min movie guide

If you are ever in Russia and suddenly every TV channel starts showing ‘Swan Lake’ continuously, then look out of the window as there is a bound to be a Revolution going on. That’s not a myth, but a reality and one of the many unlikely facts we learn from this enthralling documentary that traces … Continue reading


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When it comes to choosing a movie, you should always trust your instincts. Especially when you’ve been trapped at home for couple of weeks nursing a fever and your desperate need for cheering yourself up colors your judgements. I thought with obtaining MovieReviewIntelligence highest rating of ‘excellent’ as a result of so many respected critics … Continue reading


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One of my local Film Festivals mission statement is to ‘Entertain, Educate & Inspire’, which is also my own mantra for movie watching. Recently I have been focusing on the ‘entertain’ part as I attempt to brush up on American Cultural Icons that never had the same impact on us Brits when I was growing … Continue reading

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

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One can only imagine the fact that filmmaker Werner Herzog is the auteur that he is, played a crucial part in the French Culture Ministry allowing only him this unprecedented exclusive access  to make this extraordinary film. ‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’  is his documentary on some stunning caves in Southern France only discovered as recently … Continue reading

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