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So this is Frank’s sad story.  He has a pretty wretched life, which has only had two high spots to date. Marrying Sarah (a stripper and former junkie) and pointing a policeman in the right direction of  a fleeing suspect. However after just a couple of months Sarah leaves him to move in with Jacques, … Continue reading


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Martin Scorcese’s profile on Fran Lebowitz is no ordinary documentary. After 90 minutes of essentially listening to this quick-witted brilliant observationist with her razor sharp tongue spend forth on some of her favorite bugbears, we actually learn very little about the woman behind all these rapidly fired opinions.  By filming her in conversation in her … Continue reading


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Watching this captivating documentary simply reminds me how blessed the US were to have had this remarkable man as its 39th President. Made by Oscar-winning filmmaker Jonathan Demme, it follows the former President around the country in 2006 as he is promoting his latest book that he purposely gave the provocative title of’ ‘Palestine: Peace … Continue reading


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This is the second ‘indie’ movie in recent months about parent’s dealing with the death of a young child, and even though each starred an Oscar Winning Actress, both bombed at the Box Office.  I’m not saying that this movie is as good as John Cameron-Mitchell’s excellent ‘Rabbit Hole’ (with Nicola Kidman), but even with … Continue reading


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Set in 1934 on a remote island this English exclusive girl’s boarding school rears these bright but obnoxious girls to deal with the class-conscious society of the era.  The focus of the story is on the diving team that has a hierarchy based on the girls ages and is led by the domineering Radfield who … Continue reading

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