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The latest music documentary from respected filmmaker Don McGlynn is on the heavenly music of Gospel singing and coming in at 2 hours, it must be one of THE most definitive studies on the genre.  You certainly have to have a be a good bible-thumping Christian or an avid gospel fan to sit through it.  … Continue reading


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The brilliant opening sequence when three men are in the getaway car escaping from a heist and being driven at reckless speeds through the streets of LA with such a cool determined proficiency that sets the pace for what’s to follow in this wee rather bloody movie.  The Driver  … and he is never called … Continue reading


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In the 1960‘s when the world was changing drastically and society was getting a taste of freedom, life was exactly the same as ever in Mississippi.  Everyone knew their place especially the ‘coloreds’ who belonged in the kitchens slaving away for those uppity white middle class folks who were happy to have ‘The Help’ completely … Continue reading

The Skin I Live In

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Pedro Almodovar’s latest movie reunites him with Antonio Banderas who plays Dr. Robert Ledgard, a brilliantly successful plastic surgeon who, much to the chagrin of the medical community, is currently experimenting with creating a new type of human skin with some very questionable practices.  He is doing this solely for Vera a beautiful gamine who … Continue reading


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In 2010 NBC TV summarily fired ‘Tonight Show’ Host Conan O’Brien after just 7 months in the job order to rescue the sinking career of his predecessor Jay Leno who had bombed in his new early Show.  O’Brien had previously hosted his own Late Night Show that started at midnight for the previous 16 years … Continue reading

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