
Elska Magazine discovers Providence

  If you have never seen an issue of ELSKA MAGAZINE the highly coveted series of photo-essays by Brit artist/journalist Liam Campbell,  then where have you been as he is already up to Issue 11. Campbell descends on a city of his choice and photographs men.  All sorts of men, and as diverse as possible. … Continue reading

Elska Magazine discovers the men of London

The bi-monthly gay bookzine ELSKA that devotes each edition to the men of a major city around the world, finally lands in London for its latest issue.  This maybe it’s most diverse edition yet as LGBTQ men from all around the world are attracted to the lure of this great cosmopolitan capital city.  Only one … Continue reading

Elska Magazine featuring beautifully ordinary local men from The City of Lights

    It came quite a surprise to us when we realized that with all the globe-trotting Editor/Photographer In Chief Liam Campbell has done over the years he had never featured Paris and the rather wonderful Frenchmen who live there in ELSKA. We love The City of Lights so much that QUEERGURU has our very … Continue reading

ELSKA Magazine Goes West : SAN FRANCISCO

  Back in 2015, Creator LIam Campbell founded ELSKA Magazine as a project dedicated to sharing the bodies and voices of a diverse cross-section of men from LGBTQ communities around the world, presented through honest photography and personal storytelling.  In the early days Campbell,  chief photographer, and editor-in-chief focused on ‘less obvious queer cities” When … Continue reading

Elska Magazine is surprised that it fell in love with Los Angelenos

It’s quite the surprise that the latest edition of the gay bookzine ELSKA that landed in our in-tray this morning is all about the men of LA.  Elska’s raison d’etre is that when it lands in a city it seeks out and photographs and interviews regular local guys across the whole LGBTQ spectrum in their natural habitat or on the street. Eleska’s editor and … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  08:32


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