
ELSKA checks out the men in Lyons, France

The ancient city of Lyons in the center of France was traditionally known historically for the production and weaving of silk.  Nowadays the city contains a significant software industry with a particular focus on video games, and in recent years has fostered a growing local start-up sector..  Recently the city ranked number two in France for … Continue reading

Elska Collectors’ Postcard Set –  the most perfect stocking filler

  For their seventh annual Elska Collectors’ Postcard Set Liam Campbell Editor In Chief decided to go bigger, more luxury, and more naked than ever before. This set includes twenty-four different cards, each featuring a selection of Elskans (that’s what they call our subjects/participants/models) from the seventh year’s roster of Elska issues. The cards are … Continue reading

Elska Goes Down Under : and falls for the real local men

  Elska Magazine has finally gone Down Under.  It’s latest issue is from Sydney Australia one of the gayest cities in the world and it totally decimates the myth that all the men there look like  bronzed buff bikinied lifeguards on Bondi Beach! True to form Elksa’s Editor & Photographer Liam Campbell went out of … Continue reading

ELSKA puts the spotlight on a selection of ordinary men of Munich introducing them through a combination of intimate photography and personal storytelling.

  Elska editor and chief photographer Liam Campbell finally returned to Germany to shoot the latest (the 47th) edition of his queer photozine. It had been a long time coming as the Berlin feature was actually the 2nd Edition of Elska. Munich was the destination, and Campbell told us he was very relieved to discover  … Continue reading

ELSKA Magazine and the Boys of Bangkok ……

  It may have taken Liam Campbell the Editor In Chief of ELSKA some years to get there, but he finally made it to Bangkok in Thailand to create the latest issue (and 41st edition)  of his fab queer photo-zine.  Inside readers can get to know a cross-section of ordinary men from the LGBTQ community … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  08:32


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