
Alaska is a Drag

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In her enchanting feature debut writer/director Shaz Bennett spares no punches in showing how brutal and isolated Alaska can be especially if you are anything different than the norm. Leo (newcomer Martin L. Washington Jr.) is just that and more. He may work gutting fish in a Cannery by day,  but at night this black gay … Continue reading

Alice Junior : a trans teenager who knows exactly what she wants

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  Filmmaker Gil Baroni’s latest movie, fresh from its glowing reception at the Berlinale earlier this year is yet another example of how innovative and sublime queer movies made in Brazil really are. His tale of a vibrant trans teenager who refuses to be bowed down by any transphobia is like a breath of fresh … Continue reading

All Yours

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Belgian filmmaker David Lambert has followed up his stunning feature film debut the Cannes Award Winning ‘Beyond the Walls’ with another story of a very quirky and odd relationship. It’s the tale of an obese middle-aged gay baker called Henry (Jean-Michel Balthazar) who lives in a small Belgian town and who has fallen in love over the … Continue reading

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