Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Actor Luke Philip Bosco talks about appearing in the PROVINCETOWN TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATER FESTIVAL



The annual TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATER FESTIVAL is one of THE cultural highlights of PROVINCETOWN’s year. This celebration of the work of this legendary American writer honors the fact he spent 4 summers here in the 1940’s and created some of his finest work here. During this time he fell in love with a young man named KIp , and some 40 years later he wrote about it in SOMETHING CLOUDY SOMETHING CLEAR.

This is part of the 2024 program ,and so Queerguru caught up with actor Luke Philip Bosco who has been cast to play the part of Kip. He has also been cast in one of William’s most well known plays THE GLASS MENAGARIE that will also playing in repertoire in this years Festival.

This is also proving to be a red-letter year for Luke as his second movie JANET PLANET is just about to be released ….so we had a lot to talk about.


SEP 26 - SEP 29
Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival 2024


Posted by queerguru  at  10:16


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