
My Big Gay Italian Wedding

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  Loosely based on the long-running off-Broadway play of the same name My Big Gay Italian Wedding is one of those affectionate feel-good comedies that are perfect for a date night.  Well, as marriage is involved, maybe not for a first date. Antonio (Diego Abatantuono ) and Paolo (Salvatore Esposito ) are two ex-pat Italians happily living together … Continue reading

One Kiss

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Clutching a newly won Italian Golden Globe comes an insightful teen drama that adroitly tackles a whole slew of issues such as homophobia, bullying and date-rape sex.  Despite the serious nature of it’s subject matter, the movie opens on a very sunny note infusing such warmth and humor throughout that doesn’t prepare one at all … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews Ferzan Özpetek’s NUOVO OLIMPO a passionate queer relationship spread over some 30 years as it struggles to fulfill its potential.

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    Ferzan Özpetek’s feature film Hamam aka  [Steam: The Turkish Bath] in 1997 is one of those movie-making debuts that stick in your memory.  In it, Özpetek takes a mesmerizing look at how special places and people can transform other people. This romantic drama film is a haunting joy Since then this Italian/Turkish queer … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews MASCARPONE a delectable Italian queer dramedy

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  The opening scenes of Mascarpone, a new queer dramady  from co-directors Alessandro Guida and Matteo Pilati, is set to send shivers down the backs of quite a few gay men in long-term relationships. A rather oblivious Antonio (Giancarlo Commare) is abruptly told by his long-time husband Lorenzo (Carlo Calderone) that their marriage is over as … Continue reading

Queerguru’s James Judd reviews FIREWORKS a Italian queer love story based on an infamous hate crime

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    Can’t two twinks fall in love in peace in 1980 Sicily? No. In a nutshell, that is the story of Fireworks, a new film by Giuseppe Fiorello based on the true story of an infamous hate crime. It imagines the days leading up to the murder of two young men whose deaths caused … Continue reading

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