
People Like Us : Season 2 of the queer web series from Singapore

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  Since we first wrote about the Singaporean gay web series PEOPLE LIKE US some two years ago, we’ve had the Brit series  THE GRASS ALWAYS GRINDR to watch and enjoy,  The one thing that the two have in common is that have both been produced in conjunction with major HIV Support and Prevention Organisations. … Continue reading

‘Hate has no place in this modern world’ says Malay same-sex couple

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  It takes a lot for a gay couple to go public with their relationship in a country where homosexuality is still illegal. Though authorities in Singapore rarely enforce it, BUT if they did those found guilty can be sentenced to two years in prison. Last week an openly gay Malay couple 30-year-old Faliqh and  … Continue reading


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The Leng family are an upwardly mobile middle-class family in Singapore who are striving for a better life. Hwee the mother is expecting her second child and works full time as a secretary where she is being constantly interrupted at her office by phone calls from the school where Jiale her neglected 10 year old … Continue reading

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