Friday, December 20th, 2019

People Like Us : Season 2 of the queer web series from Singapore


Since we first wrote about the Singaporean gay web series PEOPLE LIKE US some two years ago, we’ve had the Brit series  THE GRASS ALWAYS GRINDR to watch and enjoy,  The one thing that the two have in common is that have both been produced in conjunction with major HIV Support and Prevention Organisations.

In the case of People Like Us, it’s Singapore’s main agency  gayhealth.sg who tack on a community message at the end of every episode. Whereas London’s 56 Dean Street Clinic https://dean.st/ is the producing partner of ‘The Grass is Always Grindr’ who use the series as a means to promoting theirs, and similar agency services.

Leon Cheo the creator of  People Like Us has produced a Season Two (now available to view on You Tube) which carries on telling the tales of the guys we met in the original series .   26-year-old Joel is having his patience (and love) tested as his feelings for his closeted BF Ridzwan grows. On the other hand Isaac a successful banker who used to host sex parties finds his life is taking a different direction after catching an STD that drives all his potential beaus away..  Meanwhile Rai has confessed to his new beau, the rather naive Alvin, that he is HIV + and so the couple are maneuvering on how to deal with that.   Naturally they all practice same sex of one kind of another.

It’s unfair to compare the content and storylines of ‘People’ with the London series as it reflects the nature and make up of the  LGBTQ community in this part of the world.  It’s gentler, more accessible, and with a hint of what could even being considered an old world charm.  Cheo’s series has a distinct charm too it and it’s easy to find oneself invested in the outcome of all the men’s fate.  He also has left all the men’s relationships on cliffhangers so he obviously intends there to be a third Season at some stage.

Patrick Cash’s ‘Grass’ may be more explicit and hard hitting but at the end of the day both series are doing a great service in their community by spreading the word and discounting all the myths and rumors that unfortunately still exist around HIV  today.

Watch on YouTube HERE


P.S. You may also like to check out the interview Patrick Cash filmed with Queerguru earlier this year HERE

Posted by queerguru  at  21:35



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