Monday, August 26th, 2024

Ron DeSantis is single-handedly set on destroying Florida’s LGBTQA+ Community


Ron De Santis, the rampantly homophobic/transphobic  who is currently  still Florida’s Governor has been laying low since his candidacy for President fizzled out before it could really begin.  Back in 2023 he signed a  slate of extreme Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills, enacting a record-shattering number of discriminatory measures into Law.  

But they turned out just to be a load of hot air when they were challenged in the Courts.  Many of the most controversial laws from the governor  have been legally criticized as being unconstitutional, discriminatory and cruel, and so frequently his ambitious aims ran into multiple lawsuits and legal roadblocks.   In June 2023 De Santis’s so called ‘Drag Bill” was blocked by  a federal court  for being overly vague and unconstitutional.

Then U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle blocked enforcement of the state’s ban on transgender affirming care, calling the rule “an exercise in politics, not in good medicine.”

But De Santis had been on the losing side way before then his redistricting map to increase his chances of remaining in power was blocked,  Also in 2021  Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker agreed with arguments from civil rights organizations that Florida’s “Combating Public Disorder” law, dubbed the “anti-riot” law, and called it a threat to the constitutional rights of Americans

In Aug. 18, 2022: De Santis ‘Stop WOKE Act’ ban on discussions in addressing race-related issues in workplace training  was also blocked.

We’ve probably missed a few as in good Republican tradition the likes of De Santis are never FOR anything they would rather dismantle everything good …. and I’m guessing, maybe keeping the money .

It got so bad that last year several civil rights groups issued a travel advisory about Florida saying policies championed by DeSantis and Florida lawmakers are “openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals.

The warning has very sadly proved to be true as the latest homophobic/racist move announced this week was actually from the Florida Tourist Board but it reeks of De Santis cheap aftershave.  The State has long had a vibrant gay population ….. many had arrived in the early 90’s literally to die from AIDS but in 1996 when protease inhibitors were created, people started surviving and their presence changed the whole make up of Miami Beach in particular,

Posted by queerguru  at  20:45


1 thought on “Ron DeSantis is single-handedly set on destroying Florida’s LGBTQA+ Community”

  1. He come to the store I work at to make a speech so I put on bright pink shirt and all the gay pride buttons I could find and I was front of the crowd when he was making his speech and when I locked eyes with all his lackeys if looks could kill and I got evil eye from Ron. I was a great day.

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