Orlando Soria : Build Me Up


Orlando Soria is an interior designer, writer, visual artist, and now star of HGTV’s  new hit show BUILD ME UP where he helps people redesign their living spaces after they have had a major life change. He’s a disarmingly charming man who brings such a sense of joy and humor into his work which all his clients love, including Olympic champion and heartthrob  Gus Kenworthy.  (we should add also that if you haven’t noticed yet, Orando is hardly heavy on the eyes)

.Orlando took time off from working with his latest client to talk with QUEERGURU so we could find out why he is so passionate about his work …..and his life too

You can follow ORLANDO  at
@MrOrlandoSoria on Instagram & https://www.hgtv.com/shows/build-me-up



