Gregg Ostrin’s Off Broadway play KOWALKSI goes behind the scenes when TENNESSEE WILLIAMS first met MARLON BRANDO 



It may be over 75 years since Tennessee Williams first set eyes on Marlon Brando, but its still fresh in some peoples memories. and in fact is the subject of Gregg Ostrin’s new Off-Broadway play, Kowalski.  They met at Williams summer home in Nantucket in 1947 that he shared with his young Mexican American partner Pancho Rodiquez which never stopped Williams from flirting. Especially with Brando who Williams had immedaitely claimed was  “ just about the best-looking young man I’ve ever seen.”

Brando was 23 at the time and still unknown even though he had appeared in 5 Broadway plays.  One of them was Truckline Cafe produced by Elia Kazan and even though it closed after just 17 performances, Kazan was impressed enough with Brando  to offer him more work.  He gave the young actor cab fare to get to William’s house where he 

wanted him to try out for a part that actor John Garfield had just turned down.   The play was A Streetcar Named Desire and just four days later Brando got the part……. and history was made.  Asides from the fame it bought him, sales for mens white vests went through the roof.!  Brando later saud “When an actor has as good a play under him as Streetcar, he doesn’t have to do much, His job is to get out of the way and let the part play itself.” 

But back then the morning after the audition, Brando and Williams strolled to the beach and back in silence. But what happened that night?  That’s where Ostrin’s play takes flight as it reexamines the emotionally charged encounter between two artists at their prime.



Ostrin’s play stars Brandon Flynn (Marlon Brando), Robin Lord Taylor (Tennessee Williams), Sebastian Treviño (Pancho Rodriguez).  But while we may be  familiar with A Streetcar Named Desire and the subsequent 1951 film adaptation, which won four Academy Awards (though not for Brando), Kowalski promises gives a compelling behind-the-scenes look at the beginnings of the creative process behind this classic drama which played such a crucial part in both the lives of Brando and Williams, 

Kowalski plays Off-Broadway at The Duke on 42nd Street, New York City. Performances January 13 – February 16. Tickets are available here.



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