
Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews SUNFLOWER a tough coming-of-age, coming-out drama from Australia

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Australia’s rough, macho culture is examined from a queer perspective in Sunflower, a tough coming-of-age, coming-out drama set in the suburbs of Melbourne. Director/writer Gabriel Carrubba’s debut introduces us to Leo (Liam Mollica), a handsome, strapping seventeen-year-old high school student. His home is a working-class Greek-Italian household with his truck driver dad (Sal Galofaro), mum … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews THE GREATEST an award winning drama about queer life in the 1960s

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    Before 1969’s Stonewall riots, queer life in New York was largely quite brutal. Homophobia was rife. The NYPD regularly raided the few gay bars that existed, harassing, beating and arresting patrons on trumped-up charges, often releasing their names to the press and their families, outing them to cause maximum distress. This frequently led … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews THE HOLY CLOSET a compelling doc which follows seven different religious queer Jewish households

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  Queer lives and religion are not always happy bed-fellows and we don’t often hear about religious queer people. A new seven-part documentary web series, The Holy Closet, seeks to address that. Director Moran Nakar follows seven different religious queer Jewish households, examining their loves, lives, hopes and dreams as they navigate a path through … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews the World Premiere of Mikko Måkelå ‘s SEBASTIAN at Sundance Film Festival

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  Writers are always advised to ‘Write about what you know.’ Aspiring twenty-five-year-old Scottish writer Max, (the handsome Ruaridh Mollica), is living in London and working on his first novel, a story about a sex-worker, Sebastian. He’s good-looking and ambitious, energetically forging his career and soul. To improve the authenticity of his work he creates … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews TURTLES a Belgian queer comedy/drama about what happens when a 35 year old relationship is over

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  Divorce rates for couples over fifty have increased in recent decades, largely because it’s now more socially acceptable to be a single older person, and also because more older people are now financially and emotionally independent. Turtles, a new Belgian/Canadian comedy-drama by David Lambert, examines what happens when Brussels couple Thom (Dave Johns) and … Continue reading

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