
Queerguru’s Top Picks of Must See Movies at BFI FLARE LONDON, Europe’s largest queer Film Fest

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    The  38th Edition of the annual BFI Flare: London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival is just about to kick-off at Southbank.  It’s one of QUEERGURU’S favorite queer film fests …… not just because it is the biggest in Europe but also because it’s in one of QUEERGURU’s global home bases. BFI Flare is divided into three thematic programme … Continue reading

TAYLOR MAC’S 24-DECADE HISTORY OF POPULAR MUSIC is probably the most outrageous film that YOU MUST SEE

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Its that time again and for their 25th Anniversary the PROVINCETOWN FILM FESTIVAL has upped the anti of the QUEER content on their program. Queerguru has had the sheer delight  viewing some of best of them in our coverage of LGBTQ+ Film Fests around the globe this year.  We have very firm favorite’s like Andrew … Continue reading

The First Temptation of Christ: not for anyone remotely religious

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  It’s only natural that the more people complain that a film is greatly offensive, the more we get intrigued enough to want to see it.  Even more so when the whiners are the ultra-conservative religious who are  up in arms about a comedy satire group that put their spin on celebrating the Baby Jesus’s … Continue reading

The Ornithologist

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You really need to brush up your knowledge of the Portuguese Saint Anthony of Padua to appreciate writer/director João Pedro Rodrigues’s very queer take on the legend of his life. It is both surreal and provocative and demands a great deal of of patience from its audience when it strays off on confusing tangents.  Fernando (Paul … Continue reading

Wicked Queer’s really wicked queer Shorts

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  One of the (many) things Queerguru loves about WICKED QUEER  Bostons LGBTQ Film Festival is the attention and support they give to queer short filmmakers.  Let’s be clear here, we don’t mean those of limited stature, but the talented creatives that pack their stories into a few minutes.  So often overlooked compared to feature … Continue reading

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