Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

ELSKA. our fav queer photo-zine captures some of the diverse local gay men of Mumbai, in South East Asia



For the very first time in the magazine‘s history Liam Campbell the editor and chief photographer of Elska decided to actually revisit one of the cities he had  featured way back when.  MUMBAI in India originally became the tenth issue of Elska, now it will number 47 reflecting on the extraordinary growth of our favorite queer photo-zine.  

South Asia’s visibility as a gay city is low and undervalued, but the local men that Campbell photographed and interviewed are very much crucual element of how diverse the global LGBTQ+ community  is.  These men are part of a showcase that that gives us a glimpse into a future that will just develop further in terms of visibility of different races, ages, and body types,


Aarash K

Saif G

Anzie V

Saif G


Inside Elska Mumbai and the companion zine Elska Ekstra Mumbai, readers are introduced to thirteen Mumbaikar men. Each was photographed in a natural, spontaneous style, both in their city’s streets and in their homes, dressed in their own style or sometimes not dressed at all, creating a sort of sensual-documentary style. The photos are then accompanied by personal stories penned by each of the thirteen subjects, letting you get to know them at an even more intimate level. 





‘Elska Mumbai’ is 180 pages and is available from a select group of shops around the world as well as for order online from the Elska website. In addition, the companion zine ‘Elska Ekstra Mumbai’ is available, including hundreds of pages of outtakes, behind the scenes tales, and the stories and photos of a few humans from beyond Mumbai, including work by the guest photo-artists Mitch Cullen and Alcibiade de Paros.

The list of stockists and details of the subscription service can also be found on the

Elska website: www.elskamagazine.com.

Posted by queerguru  at  17:42


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