Dear Mom, Sorry For Being a Bitch. @ Soho Playhouse : perfect for Mother’s Day




If you are still not sure what to get for this weeks Mothers Day then we’ll share what Queerguru is doing. We are heading to the Soho Playhouse in NY for revival  of  Dear Mom, Sorry For Being a Bitch  which is a one-woman by Christine Covode (with guests) love letter and apology to her mom! The show focuses on the arc of Christine’s life and her relationship with her mom at various stops along the way. 

Starting in elementary school and growing into college and beyond, this coming-of-age show brings you into Christine’s distressed teenage mind as she slowly grows to love and understand the person who was always by her side. Speaking into a video diary for the entirety of the performance, our protagonist travels back in time and retells each bitchy phase of life with honesty, humor and deep apology. You will laugh, you will cry, but most importantly, you will leave the theatre wanting to give your mom a big ol’ hug. 

This show details the weird times, the times you’d rather forget, and how the person who often shoulders the outrage on life’s journey towards adulthood is often the same person who sticks around to help pick up the pieces. Come watch Christine slowly realize her mother was a person with real feelings all along and who was largely undeserving of her developmental bitchiness. There are boys (you know who you are), haunting college counselors, silly bands, razor phones, layered tank tops, first kisses and even HAWT makeouts on stage. Come for the laughs and stay for the tears as Christine makes you feel all the feelz surrounding our impossibly complicated relationship with the woman behind the minivan wheel.

Tickets  Three Nights Only