Victor and Victoria (German: Viktor und Viktoria) is a 1933 German musical comedy film written and directed by Reinhold Schünzel, starring Renate Müller as a woman pretending to be a female impersonator. It proved such a popular story it was adapted three times, first a French-language version of the film titled George and Georgette, and then a English version titled First a Girl, directed by Victor Saville and starring Jessie Matthews and Sonnie Hale, and then finally in 1982 Blake Edwards directed his wife Julie Andrews for MGM in his film version and as a stage musical too
It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (German: Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt) is a 1971 West German avant-garde film directed by wicked The film was an emancipatory call for homosexuals to organize and fight for their freedom and triggered the modern gay rights movement in West Germany and Switzerland and also found great resonance internationally. The film became a media scandal because conservative homosexuals and heterosexuals alike rejected the demands for equality in all areas of life and the call for public solidarity
For full details and dates etc https://www.queer.film/wickedqueer/wq-newsletters/100-years-of-queer-german-cinema |
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