Arrival is a stunning new animated short film that tells a vivid and poignant tale of a young man’s close relationship with his mother and his struggle to reconcile it with his newly-embraced gay identity as he starts a life in the big city. The two have always had a special bond communicated through the instant Polaroids they snap together and for each other, and one that he takes of himself and his first boyfriend proves to be the most difficult one to share with her. It is tender and touching coming-of-age story that tug at your heartstrings of even the most cynical gay man.
The semi-autobiographical movie was written, directed and animated by Alex Myung and is based on his own past relationships. It explores the difficulties one faces when contemplating ‘coming out’, and portrays a uniquely modern LGBTQ couple, exploring the highs and lows that come with feeling guilty for loving the right person.
The film was Kickstarter funded, animated by hand onto paper frame by frame and digitally inked and colored. The completely original score was recorded live with an Orchestra in Nashville, TN.