Joan Crawford : Bitch Selfie Ain’t Make You No Movie Star


Joan Crawford has finally got her own back with her brand new memoir posthumously written  called MOMMIE SMEAREST: See Joan Crawford In Bitch Selfie Ain’t Make You No Movie Star. She evidently channeled it all through  L. LeSueur,  and in it she relates how she has reinvented herself as the rap artist mo.m.m.i.e.D.  

Joan has little time for all the stars who have tried to recreate the glamourus life that she had for decades and particular takes aim at the newest form of “d”-lebrities:  everyday people who think they’re stars because their YouTube video has gone viral or their selfies have a thousand likes on Facebook.   

The book , destined to be a best seller, is available at Amazon and meanwhile ere is mo.m.m.i.e.D.’s first rap song and video, “Bitch, Selfie Ain’t Make You No Movie Star” which we cannot stop playing.



