The Luncheon : an exploration of space, time and matter over lunch


This rather surreal wee film THE LUNCHEON is the perfect distraction for everyone self-quarantined.  Totally abstract, quirky, hilarious, challenging and very mesmerizing, this piece  by Luis Amália and Kace Monney will intrigue you sufficiently to want to watch it over and over again.  And want to know more.

In their own words The(a) Company is a collective group, that was birthed in London by two actors of non British lineage after their shared sense of rhythm, timing, humor crashed & emerged together after their joint exploration at the infamous institution ‘Drama Centre London’.

The two diverse beings have sought a way to suck and spit the unconventional from the conventional which has led them to create their own language and a unmistakable mise en scène.



P.S. After you have completely absorbed this. you will so want to see Luis Amália finally become the actress he has always wanted to be in Stigma



