
Chemical Hearts : a rather pedestrian teenage romantic drama

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  Actor turned writer/director Richard Tanne’s sophomore film Chemical Hearts is a rather pedestrian teenage dramedy about unrequited love.  Adapted from Krystal Sutherland’s novel of the same name its the story of 17 years old  high school student Henry Page (Austin Abrams) who is a cross between a bookish nerd and a homeless romantic.  He is … Continue reading

Concrete Night

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One can only imagine when the Finnish Film Academy submitted Concrete Night as the country’s official submission for the Best Foreign Picture Oscar in 2014, that the Finnish Tourist Authorities must have had a royal fit. This deeply disturbing story is shot in a bleak unforgiving depressing public housing project in one of Helsinki’s rougher … Continue reading

Search Engines

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With an impressive stellar ensemble as a cast, and the very topical premise of everyone’s obsession with being glued to their cellphones, and helmed by talented writer/director Russell Brown, Search Engines had all the hallmarks of being a  very successful comedy.  On paper at least.  Set in California as an assorted group of family and friends … Continue reading

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