
Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews ASOG that follows Jaya non-binary teacher and typhoon survivor, on a roadtrip to fame in the Philippines.

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  For some people, the description of this movie will read like a nonprofit funding application. It covers climate change, colonialism, poverty, and trans issues. It ticks a lot of progressive boxes. And that would be to completely miss that it is also an irreverent, and sometimes very beautiful mix of magical realism storytelling and … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews PINECONE a queer Indian film that’s an exploration of love, relationships, and self-discovery.

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  Like so much of the old British Empire when Brits finally exited countries they had colonized they left behind some very restrictive and inhumane laws.  India is one such case.  The country gained independence in 1947  but it took the Indian Supreme Court another 70 years to repeal the  British Colonial law that had … Continue reading

American Ballet Theatre principal dancer and choreographer James Whiteside now tries his hand at filmmaking

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  One of the new films that is part of the 2023 installment of the “ALL ARTS Artist in Residence Is by James Whiteside the superstar  dancer/choreographer of  New York’s American Ballet Theatre.  This multi-talented artist has co-directed his debut silent modern film DAYTRIPPER with Kylie Juggert. It’s a love story set on the sandy beaches … Continue reading

Moonage Daydream the life and genius of David Bowie

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    So we already know where the entire QUEERGURU team will be on September 16th as that is the day that NEON releases MOONAGE DAYDREAM into movie theaters.  Brett Morgan  (The Kid Stays in the Picture, Cobain: Montage of Heck, Jane) film  illuminates the life and genius of David Bowie, one of the most … Continue reading

Queerguru’s José Mayorga reviews FINLANDIA an authentic story of the Muxes untethered by gender binary

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  ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FROM OAXACA TO FINLANDIA…   The movie opens with the image of a boy listening to a conch shell that reminded me of the portrait of  Edouard Boubat and also Nina Ricci´s Farouche perfume from 1973. After the boy´s poetic image we see a sequence of tragedies … Continue reading

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