
The latest queer TV dating show FARMING FOR LOVE is from Canada and already its making us want to saddle up and head North

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    Could this be the year of new dating shows around the globe that are  specifically for gay men?  In January we wrote about For The Love of DILFS, the gay TV Dating Show  brings together two groups of gay men, the Himbos and the Daddies, to see if they can match up and … Continue reading

What happens when Broadway Boy meets another Broadway Boy on a First Date

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  The people at Theater Mania have produced this new series of videos that each feature a couple of ‘not unattractive’ gay Broadway performers who tell the stories of their first dates.   If you have a thing for ‘happy-ever-after’ stories then you will LOVE these.  And even if you are a tad cynical about romance, you will still find it hard not … Continue reading

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