Sebastian Junger talks about Hell on Earth

The respected war journalist and Oscar nominated filmmaker Sebastian Junger  told queerguru that war is both futile and necessary. In a discussion about his latest powerful documentary Hell on Earth : The Fall of Syria & The Rise of Syria he talks about the devastating death and destruction and particularly on all the global consequences of this pernicious civil war. 

‘America always has been a country that has welcomed the desperate of the the world with open arms, and suddenly there is this idea that we won’t do that.  This country has never been attacked by a war refugee, that’s just not where the threat is .  I hope people see this film and realize that w should espouse a certain openness with the world where people can seek refuge here.’

The  interview was filmed in Provincetown by Hussein Wentz during #PIFF2017 for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.

Hell on Earth : The Fall of Syria & The Rise of ISIS is available on demand at


