The Godfather Buck tells the intense story of two brothers and their family history. Dan (Frederick Keeve), 52 and his younger, very handsome, brother Steven Madden (Kyle Lowder), 35 meet once a year at their late father’s beautiful remote wooden cabin high up in the woods in Big Bear, California. They go there … Continue reading
Erez, a talented young Israeli swimmer, is one of five swimmers selected for a special residential training camp. The swimmers are in competition with each other and the winner will be chosen to join the Israeli Olympic swimming team. Erez (Omer Perelman) meets the beautiful, muscular Nevo (Asaf Jonas), a fellow swimmer at the … Continue reading
Two handsome strangers, Marcello (Alexander Ananasso) and Herman (Jake Garvey) meet in an apartment for a sex hookup. Afterward, they realize they have special feelings for each other. Too afraid to follow their hearts, Marcello and Herman decide to play a game, using an ancient dice made of stone. They establish six actions to … Continue reading
Darren’s been dumped by his boyfriend. It’s not totally surprising as though he is a rather handsome and congenial young man in his 20’s he doesnt work, has no intentions of getting a job, and is a little too obsessed with himself. He is even more fixated with a couple of his neighbors who live … Continue reading
Avant garde sculptor and artist Henry Coombs helming his first feature film stretches both his imagination and our patience in this new micro-budget Scottish gay psycho drama. It’s the story of Albert an aged gay therapist (David Sillars who also co-wrote the script) who is inveigled upon by an old friend (a scene stealing Marcella McIntosh) to … Continue reading