Medusa Deluxe, written and directed by Thomas Hardiman, is a whodunnit set in the backstabbing world of competitive hairdressing shows. Completed in one shot that meanders through a claustrophobic set like a deranged Cluedo board we are sent on a hunt to decipher which of the coiffed caricatures is the killer. It’s definitely a … Continue reading
THE KIDS ARE NOT ALL RIGHT… In this feature film debut from Trevor Anderson, the highlight is the performance of newcomer Vaughan Murrae as Robin, in a nonbinary lead role. They play an American child that arrives in Edmonton, Canada to live with their smoker father. It is 1987, at school, Robin´s classmates … Continue reading
A romantic comedy that is also a musical with the hits of the Indigo Girls. Carefree Glitter (Alex Díaz) young and handsome, wants to become a professional circus performer and applies to the Ecole de Cirque in Paris. Doom (Alan Cammish) is a struggling musician, composer and singer. One night they met at Disco Berlin … Continue reading
This fiction film was inspired by the real-life story of the director Michelle Ehlen when her relationship fell apart. A discontent Jay (Michelle Ehlen) says goodbye to her wife Lily (Jeneen Robinson), who has been honest about an infidelity that Jay cant deal with. She needs to detach and time to heal so she decides to … Continue reading
In one night full of intriguing glances in a very small apartment with a glorious of Paris, four gay men and a woman get along and learn a little of each other while. Their being together has a specific purpose and one that bounds them all. The viewer gets hints by some action off-camera, since … Continue reading