Can’t wait until December to celebrate the ‘Festival of Lights’? Well, thanks to our good friends at HEBRO you no longer have too. This very week they present their very own Hanukkah in July A Spectacle of Jewi’sh Drag
Its a whole night of drag with Queens of Jew’ish experience. Starring: Pink Pancake, Gina Tonic, Blake Deadly, Ophelia Bawdy, WorshipHer, Lucia Fuchsia, and Hanukah Lewinsky and all hosted by: Shequida
Hanukkah in July: A Spectacle of Jew'ish Drag Slate NY Wed, Jul 27, 7:00 PM
Hebro was established in 2008 by Jayson Littman with the mission of creating a community of gay Jews to celebrate their unique culture and identity. And to husband-hunt. It attracts the cultural and modern urban gay Jew who enjoys nightlife parties, cultural events and destination trips
Hebro reminds all of you… to call your mother!