The critically acclaimed web series BROTHERS which is a narrative short-form digital series that follows a group of transgender male friends, exploring what it means to go up against traditional societal gender roles has just announced that Season 2 will shortly be available on streaming platforms.
Created by Emmett Lundberg and Sheyam Ghieth the first series offered a refreshing new take on the trials and tribulations of this group of trans men all at varying stages of their transitioning. The show touches on a few of the many issues that face transgender individuals – healthcare, dating, dysphoria, homophobia, identity and more.
In Season 1, (currently on Amazon Prime, Vimeo On Demand and Revry TV), the series’ main character Jack recently started sleeping with a cisgender man after exclusively dating women. His friend Davyn proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Amy, with disastrous results. Aiden, the youngest of the group, pre-testosterone, and pre-surgery, tried to raise money for his upcoming top surgery but was thwarted at the last minute. And Max, the eldest, has been on hormones the longest but hasn’t had the financial resources to obtain his top surgery.
The first episode of the new season is below and In the one that follows, it’s just another day in the life of a transman. Trevor and Len are getting into their groove, but with Trevor on hormones for egg harvesting, things are not as easy as they seem. A visit to the gynecologist makes Trevor question what he wants and who he wants it with. Jack is “going through some shit,” while trying to figure out his own sexuality. Max tries to make amends with Elsa.
This groundbreaking narrative series about a group of trans male friends was not only the first to feature the stories of transgender men but also to cast trans actors in the main roles. With a predominantly queer, POC and trans cast & crew, they are so very definitely expanding the boundaries of traditional media and what stories are reflected on screen.
For further details on where you can view Season 1 and Season 2 check out