Gene Howard was singing love songs to other men back in the 1960s


Thanks to archivist J.D. Doyle a little-known queer jazz record from 1962 has been discovered and its a wee gem.  The record, tagged as “sultry stylings by a most unusual vocalist,” features a male crooner singing love songs about other men.

The record had no artist credits, other than the cover photo and back liner accredited to his design studio, “Garrett-Howard Inc.” One day in 2012 when Doyle has just played the track on his Queer Music Heritage Show he received a  phone call from photographer Murray Garrett. He revealed that the record’s anonymous vocalist was Gene Howard,  who had been Murray’s studio partner.

Hard to believe when you listen to the track below but Howard was apparently straight, as were Garrett and the studio musicians who collaborated on the album  They had created it for the mostly untapped gay market. at that time.  Garrett further explained that the reason for all the anonymity was to build mystery and their names would be revealed when the record was a hit.   Sadly that didn’t happen, as the handsome Howard would gain a very large base, and the Studio soon closed for good 




