Galerie P6 presents “L U S T” the Show as part of Folsom Europe Berlin




As part of the Folsom Europe Berlin gay leather and fetish festival the queer Berlin gallery P6 is presenting the new group exhibition “LUST” from September 8th to October 15th, 2023. “Lust can be defined as a psychological force that produces an intense desire or an overwhelming desire for something or a circumstance,” reads the exhibition’s announcement. “Lust can take many forms, most notably those of sexuality, beauty, money, or power. It can also lead to arousing acts of the human subconscious.”

“‘LUST’ is the swan song for the physical visual arts,” says the queer exhibition house. The new platform will “take up many facets of the works previously shown in the gallery and present a wide range of oil paintings, collages, photographs and digital AI art”.


It will include works by five artists Andrew Putschoegl, Ian Jones, Reeza Monafred, Juan Salvador and Erling Viktor  
(who is also the Curator)
Gallery P6 (Gossowstraße 6, corner of Motzstraße, 10777 Berlin-Schöneberg)