
Alice Junior : a trans teenager who knows exactly what she wants

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  Filmmaker Gil Baroni’s latest movie, fresh from its glowing reception at the Berlinale earlier this year is yet another example of how innovative and sublime queer movies made in Brazil really are. His tale of a vibrant trans teenager who refuses to be bowed down by any transphobia is like a breath of fresh … Continue reading

Before The Fall : Pride and Prejudice revisited

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It was probably inevitable that if queer filmmakers should want to adapt ‘the classics’ that they would start with romance  first. And who better to begin with than Jane Austen herself. Newbie writer/director Byrum Geisler’s very spirited attempt at converting Pride and Prejudice into a modern day gay love story may have Miss Austen turning in … Continue reading

CANARY : a coming-of-age musical dramedy set in South Africa in the 1980’s

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  FIlmmaker Christiaan Olwagen’s enchanting coming-of-age musical dramedy set in his homeland of South Africa takes a trope of extreme obstacles facing gay men in the 1980’s with such an inspired touch that makes this such a sheer joy of a movie. It’s the tale of teenage Johan Niemand (Schalk Bezuidenhout) who although he lives … Continue reading


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Even with the best-laid plans, life has a way of never working out exactly as we thought.  Pep (Wieger Windhorst ) and Sjors (Kevin Hassing) have been a couple for several years now and still very happily in love and looking forward to fulfilling two of their dreams together: taking a year off to travel,  … Continue reading

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