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Ten years on and Eyton Fox’s brilliant ‘Yossi & Jaeger’ about two Israeli soldiers who fall in love is fondly regarded as a ‘classic gay movie’, and now he follows it with this rather wonderful sequel.   Yossi is still mourning the loss of his lover Jagger who died in his arms at the Front and he is … Continue reading

You Can’t Escape Lithuania

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  This new movie from 24 year old Lithuanian openly gay writer/director Romas Zabarauskas is probably one of the most pretentious egotistical pieces of nonsense that we have had to sit through desperately trying to find at least one redeeming feature to justify why it was ever made in the first place. The fact that it was … Continue reading

Young Hunter : from queer Argentinian filmmaker Marco Berger

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  Marco Berger, the most celebrated and prolific queer Argentinian filmmaker is back with his 8th feature film. His second film Absent (Ausente) in 2011 that won the prestigious Teddy Award at the Berlinale is considered his breakthrough, but we have to admit that his very first film Plan B still remains one of our favorites. All Berger’s … Continue reading

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