Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

Bulgarian queer performance artist IVO DIMCHEV : part rock star/part prima donna


Ivo Dimchev used to be the performer parents wanted to protect their kids from, now his angelic songs are the ones they play their babies to sleep with. Known as an irreverent and provocative performance artist, the chameleon-like queer Bulgarian choreographer, performer, and activist has recently been exploring the universe of sound. Musical research is now the core of his practice, with lyrics that weave a dark poetry around the listener. His is equal parts carnal and sweet, capricious and elegant. With a stage presence oscillating between rock star and “prima donna,” Dimchev rips out your heart and licks it before leading you onto the club dance floor.

In HALAL, Dimchev presents songs from his older albums as well as songs written during the pandemic—angelic in tone but dirty in content. Truly a master of performance, Dimchev’s emotional voice will move even the coldest of creatures.


february 6 and 7, 2023
 artsMAY | Montreal, intercultural arts
3680, rue Jeanne-Mance, suite 103
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2X 2K5

Presented as part of Queer Performance Camp, in partnership with LaChapelle Scènes contemporaines 

Posted by queerguru  at  20:12


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