Branden and James : always Chasing Dreams


Branden &  James the married couple who are a powerhouse cello and vocal duo are always chasing dreams. One of which has just come  true as they excitedly told Queerguru.  They WILL be performing this summer in Provincetown after all.

They will be performing The Lady Gaga Songbook under the stars at the Pilgrim House on Lady Gaga’s career to date, celebrating her most cherished performances with their classical spin and unique charm.

Tickets at

Then on July 31st the duo release their new album Chasing Dreams.  One of the tracks is an original song written by multi-grammy award winning songwriter Keith Thomas & forthcoming video dedicated to the Black Lives Matter Movement.  You can get a free digital download at

Then September sees the release of Branden’s memoir Lyrics of My Life: My Journey with Family, HIV, and Reality TV. It highlights the conflicts of growing up gay in a world that looked upon his true self and beliefs as an impractical, sinful way of life. While seeking solace in his passion for music, Branden spares no details about his unstable life as a young adult, estrangement from his close-knit family, and, despite it all, his unbreakable will to overcome adversity. In a quest for his own personal freedom, Branden finds reconciliation with his family, rediscovers his faith, and realizes that affliction and hardship are not what define us as human beings.

We’ve read this riveting book of his very authentic BUT our review is embargoed until then.  Watch this space.


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