Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

Lover of Men :The Untold Story of Abraham Lincoln : a new doc spills the beans



It cannot be stressed enough the importance of  the Stonewall Riots and the part they played in bringing homosexuality out of the dark and into society. Since then being accepted in all levels of the general population has gone a very long way, albeit the path seemed like a roller coaster ride at times. And even now we are still concerned that the political climate may even question and damage our freedom.

Each of us has our own coming out story , and though hopefully  progress means the newer journeys that young gay people get are easier , it is still far from perfect.  Even now collectively as a community we still have a lot more to accomplish to have genuine equal rights.

Take US politics where Mike Buttiegig broke through another ceiling when he became the first openly gay member of the US Cabinet  (allegedly Janet Reno could have been the first if she had wanted too.).  

With the discussion of who could/should be the next US President , there is no gay man or woman even being considered.  But if history is to be believed then anyway they wouldn’t actually the first gay person sleeping in the Presidential Bedroom in the White House,

Now, Lover of Men a new documentary by Shaun Peterson, examines the intimate life of America’s most consequential president, Abraham Lincoln. Before you even start to poo-hoo the very idea of him being some shade of gay, we should reveal that Peterson’s film is based  on research by more than  dozen learned scholars, historians and experts on Lincoln’s life. 

Petersom actually names the men in Lincoln’s life such as businessman and politician Joshua Speed, who the future president met while living in Springfield, IL.  The two lived together and even shared a bed, which was fairly common at the time, but the fact that they did so for four consecutive years still raises eyebrows to this day.

The other man  was Captain David Derickson, a soldier who served as a bodyguard and companion of Lincoln’s during his presidency. It’s said that, for a while there, the men would share a bed whenever Mary Todd was away, which became hot gossip among his cabinet and other presidential personnel.

Although there is a profound differences between sexual mores of the nineteenth century and those we hold today, so the film challenges the audience to consider why we hold such a limited view of human sexuality.

The timing of the release of the movie couldnt have been more perfect as it is  not only an exploration of gender roles and sexual identity, but also serves as an examination of American intolerance. 

PS There is actually a Lincoln Bedroom in the White House, but the President never slept there Either  alone or with his wife and/or make friend


Posted by queerguru  at  20:25


Genres:  documentary

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