Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

THE VAGINA MUSEUM re-opens in London’s East End



If you are thinking of visiting London this summer and want to see more than the traditional tourist attractions, then you may want to make the trek to Bethnal Green in the East End. It’s part of the most exciting area in the city which has become a lively hub for London’s hipsters in recent years, without losing its gritty charm.

Its here that the world’s first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to the gynecological anatomy is reopening on  19th March 2022.  The mission of THE VAGINA MUSEUM is to spread knowledge and raise awareness of the gynecological anatomy and health, am also act as a forum for feminism, women’s rights, the LGBT+ community, and the intersex community.

Their first exhibition is PERIODS.  They have been taboo subjects within society for thousands of years. Over 800 million people menstruate daily (Global Citizen, 2019) and over 50% of the global population will menstruate at some point in their lives, yet this natural process some bodies go through is something still shrouded in shame and stigma to this day.

The museum will be based at a creative hub called ENTER, which also houses a cafe, rehearsal rooms, performance space and co-working office.

18 Victoria Park Square
London, E2 9PF


PS If you want to visit the world’s only PENIS MUSEUM  then you’ll need to make tracks to Reyjavik in Iceland.  Or you could screen an excellent documentary THE FINAL MEMBER which tells the museum’s fascinating story on Amazon Prime





Posted by queerguru  at  17:53


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