Vault Festival ’19 is packed full of queer culture

Yours Sincerely

10 days time sees the kick-off of one of Queerguru’s favorite events ; the Vault Festival in London.  It’s 7th edition has  been extended to eight weeks and has a jam packed schedule that has way too many unmissable shows.

What we love most about VAULT is its enthusiastic commitment to showcasing queer drama, comedy and performers, and we have highlighted a whole roster of nights that our London team will be reviewing for Queerguru.

They include :

Kompromat                                23/1/2019
Yours Sincerely                        30/1/2019
Bleach                                           7/2/2019
Len Blanco: Firing Blancs      7/2/2019
Tilda Swinton Answers An Ad on Craigs List 9/2/19
Marmite                                       13/2/2019
Bar Wotever Bonanza             23/2/2019
The Talented Mr Ripley          13/3/2019
Queer By Nature                      20/3/2019

Check back for our reviews 

Tilda Swinton Answers an AD on Craigslist


