Even if you still d0n’t believe in Santa Claus (shame on you) then you may still like to see him running almost naked through your streets and all for a good cause. And he is not alone. Taking part in what had now become an annual event in so many large cities there will be a myriad of hot looking Santas pounding the pavements making you want to join in all the good cheer they are spreading.
Here are a few Santa Runs coming up soon where you run or watch : there is one golden run : Wear Little Give A Lot.
Annapolis Dec 3rd https://www.facebook.com/Santa-Speedo-Run-Annapolis
Atlanta Dec 10th http://www.atlantasantaspeedorun.org/
Boston Dec 10th http://ssrunners.org/
Chicago Dec 3rd http://www.chicagosantaspeedorun.com/
Columbus Dec 10th https://www.classy.org/columbus/events/santa-speedo-dash/e83205