This very quirky and rather slight documentary tells the tale of a group of young Brazilian Beyonce fans in São Paulo who camped outside a stadium for two months before her concert just to ensure to be to get a good spot to see the Show. Most of them were total strangers, and all of them flamboyantly gay ….well, the boys at least…. and all of them bonded in their make shift camp right outside the main entrance gate.
As their numbers grew they adopted their own set of rules to ensure that no-one could gate-crash their prime position, and they insisted that everyone active camp out quite religiously to maintain their place in line. Some juggled full time jobs and just made it back at night time, whilst quite a few seemed to just sit around all day and chew the fat about their idol. Others took advantage of the close proximity of all these gay men to try to hook up with one.
Gabrielle of the few females, actually makes a living starring in a cover Beyonce group (‘my costumes are the most beautiful in the city’) and like everyone else in line dreams that one day she may meet her idol. All of them however aware of the star’s reticence about getting close to any of her fans, know this is never going to happen. Still it doesn’t stop any of them jumping up and camping up her routines at the drop of a hat.
The day of the concert comes and it almost seems like a letdown to us watching this tale slowly unfold. However filmmaker Paulo Cesar Toledo captures the kids on his camera after the Show is over, and without exception all of them react as if they had just died and gone to heaven. As if. It is all a little too surreal.