The Blonde One : a sensual romance from gay Argentinian auteur Marco Berger


When Juan’s brother moves out of his apartment in a Buenos Aires suburb he must find a roommate to replace him.  He settles for Gabriel …… who he dubs the Blonde One ….. who is a colleague at the Woodworking shop where they are both employed.

The two men couldn’t be more different as Juan is quite a party animal always filling the apartment with his drinking buddies and  a whole stream of girls who end up in his bed.  Gabo (as he is called)  is quiet and subdued and seemingly friendless and the only highlight in his  life is going to his family home where his parents are bringing up his young daughter.

Gabo is fascinated by Juan’s life and is even more intrigued by his meaningful glances and his wandering hands.  This being a Marco Berger film however typically the pace is not rushed and it is some time before the two men actually act on their mutual attraction. What starts out purely as a sexual relationship but eventually develops more deeply than either man had imagined when they completely fall for each other.

They conduct their relationship with the outmost secrecy with Juan carrying on as before with both the drinking and the womanising but now under the puppy eyes glaze of an uncomfortable Gabo watching on.

Argentinian Gay auteur Berger with a string of very successful moves to his name again shows his remarkable talent for  sheer homoeroticism but also with the skillful way he allows this sensual and touching relationship unfold at such a gentle place. Thanks also to his two lead actors compelling and very touching performances we get totally immersed in their relationship even though there is always the uncertainty it will not survive when its discovered by the outside.

Totally unmissable 


