Boys on Film 20: Heaven Can Wait : Heavy going on the way to Heaven
Hidden in this collection of shorts are two or three better, more focused films. It is too long to bare all the weight of its sombre content in one sitting. Anyone trying to bake their way out of their coronavirus confinement will be familiar with the problem that a good ingredient, eaten too often,…
Seeing Is Believing : New Queer Visions
If being in isolation is becoming, lets us politely say, a bit predictable then it is time to have a few slices of the sideways looks at the world offered in this latest series of shorts. It does not contain the kind of surprises that will sit you bolt up from your coronavirus sofa slouch.…
#FiveFilmsForFreedom : 5 fab queer shorts to view now for FREE
There has never been a more important time for the BFI Flare & British Council annual joint project #FiveFilmsForFreedom . It is a global, online short film program in support of LGBTIQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) rights. It is an opportunity for audiences everywhere to watch the five films online and FREE …
The Israeli Boys: Engrossing honesty
The Israeli Boys might just be our favorite so far in NQV’s effort to bring the best of LGBTQ+ shorts themed by geography. First it was The Danish boys, focused on a Scandinavian sad songs playlist. Then came the touching Latin Boys, who probably deserve a bit more coverage as tiny Denmark gets a whole…