Seattle Queer Film Fest
Queerguru’s TOP PICKS OF MUST SEE MOVIES at SEATTLE Queer Film Fest.
This week we see the opening of the 28th Edition of SEATTLE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL with the theme QUEER JOY IS CINEMATIC with screenings and events exploring what ‘queer joy’ means to members of the LGBTQ+ community. As we have come to expect from this Fest, the diverse slate of queer cinema hails from…
Queerguru’s Picks of Must See Movies at SEATTLE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL
Now its time for the Pacific Northwest to get a chance to view the latest queer movies of the year. They can do so by making tracks for the Three Dollar Cinema for the 27th Edition of the (rather fab) Seattle Queer Film Festival This year’s hybrid festival features a diverse slate of queer…
Queerguru’s pick of MUST SEE FILMS at Seattle Queer Film Festival
Three Dollar Bill Cinema has been running Seattle’s Queer Film Festival for the past 25 years. Over the years they have established themselves as not only the largest LGBTQ film festival in the Pacific Northwest but also one of the very best in the US. This is one of our very favorite cities and…
QUEERGURU at The Movies @Seattle Queer Film Festival
The 25th Anniversary Seattle Queer Film Festival is taking place October 15-25 run by the delightfully named Three Dollar Bill Cinema Its the largest festival of its kind in the Pacific Northwest and it will be completely VIRTUAL & ONLINE this year. Here are QUEERGURU’S TOP PICKS OF FILMS NOT TO BE MISSED :…