
As Todd Haynes MAY/DECEMBER is released on Netflix, the Museum of Moving Image celebrates with a Retrospective of his movies

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  Award-winning filmmaker Todd Haynes …..he has won both the Queer Palm (‘Carol’)  and The Teddy (‘Poison’) ….. is so busy spreading the gospel of Haynes  On December 1st his latest movie the critically acclaimed MAY/DECEMBER will be streaming on Netflix.  It’s an uncomfortable real-life melodrama about the scandal of a 36-year-old mother (Julianna Moore) … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews SARAH LUCAS HAPPY GAS a brilliant, fun, thought-provoking show @ Tate Britain

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    Cock, tits, arse, sex, cigarettes, ham sandwiches on sliced white bread, lurid tabloid headlines and suggestive photographs. What passes for a perfect day at the seaside for most Brits, is also the backbone of British artist Sarah Lucas’s work of the past thirty years, now enjoying a well-deserved retrospective, Happy Gas, at London’s … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Richard Gilles is in raptures about 1997 BIG BANG FASHION at Palais Galliera, Paris

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    From 7 March to 16 July 2023, the Palais Galliera is organizing an exhibition focusing on the year 1997, a watershed year in the history of contemporary fashion.  Queerguru’s own Paris-based Contributing Editor Richard Gilles,  with camera in hand, couldn’t wait to see what all the fuss is about : here’s his 1st … Continue reading

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