Post Office Cabaret

  • Del Shores & Debby Holiday are coming to PTown

    Del Shores & Debby Holiday are coming to PTown

      Writer/Director/Performer Del Shores (Sordid Lives) and Billboard Dance Music artist Debby Holiday best friends talked to Queerguru about their upcoming Cabaret Shows at Post Office Cafe and Cabaret in PTown. Debby is channeling #TinaTurner whilst Del’s is channeling ‘trailer trash’ in his hilarious The S–t Stirrer. Both are unmissable: check out the video.  …

  • Seth Sikes channels Judy Garland in PTown

    Seth Sikes channels Judy Garland in PTown

      For years cabaret singer Seth Sikes has been channeling Judy Garland.  And her daughter Liza too who he dedicated a whole show at Feinstein’s/54 Below some time back. So now as he heads to perform in PTown this summer its natural he is bringing his passion for Ms Garland with him.  This is after…