Post Office Cabaret
Sheree Marcelle and Mike Flanagan talk about SHEREEFER MADNESS and making their PTOWN HALL DEBUT
Sheree Marcelle is an award-winning singer and performer currently residing in Boston and performing this summer at the Post Office Cabaret in Provincetown. Last year she starred in tributes to ADELE and WHITNEY HOUSTON but this year her show is SHEREEFER MADNESS and is all about her own remarkable talent as she belts…
Provincetown to show that America Needs Fatima attempt at an anti-gay Protest will be met by LOVE
I must confess that when I first heard that ‘America Needs Fatima’ is coming to the Post Office Cabaret in PTown this Friday that it was a new drag act….. or God forbid …. a fab belly dancer. Turns out I was completely wrong. It is actually the name of a rather pernicious…
‘He’s Disgusting, He’s Disgraceful, He’s DeSantis’ sings RANDY ROBERTS
One of QUEERGURU’S favorite drag queens is the incomparable RANDY ROBERTS. He’s classic drag i.e. talented and always sings live (If we called him a veteran he’d probably kill us.) We finally caught up with him for a one-on-one interview last summer in Provincetown where he is considered drag royalty. Wherever he performs…
Randy Roberts : You Need Us To Make The USA
In Randy Robert’s latest show “One Of The Girls who’s One Of The Boys‘ he knocks it out of the ballpark with his excellent impersonations of the likes of Joan Rivers and of course his fabulous Cher. However, for Queerguru the show goes to an even higher plane when he’s performing as himself…