
A Fantastic Woman

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Sebastián Lelio’s extraordinary wonderful new movie gets to the very core of Chilean society’s inbred homophobia and transphobia that threatens the very existence of Marina  (Daniela Vega) the protagonist simply because they resent the very fact that she had been the light of her dead lover’s life.  The movie opens with 57-year-old Orlando (Francisco Reyes) getting ready … Continue reading

Toni Erdmann

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Winfried Conradi (Peter Simonischek) loves to clown around much to the annoyance of everyone including his ex-wife, and even the postman.  This suburban German ex-schoolteacher now semi-retired with just a few reluctant pupils learning piano left, his life revolves around his  elderly dog and his equally old mother who lives next door.  When both of … Continue reading

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